Insights that inspire.

Coleman Parkes is a global market quantitative and qualitative research company with expertise in both B2B and B2C research.

Corporate reputation

We support our clients by generating reports that shift their reputation and standing in the industry. From launching industry leading thought-leadership to award-winning research.

Brand and Marketing

We support our clients' in-house marketing and PR departments by helping gather award-winning, data-led stories which drive awareness and build strong brands.

Public Relations

We partner with PR consultancies to enable them to service their clients with factual, hard-hitting headlines that stand up to expert scrutiny.

Our market intelligence and actionable recommendations drive measurable impact and help our clients stay ahead of the competition. We’re pleased to welcome you to our website, start off by getting to meet our team, then please take a moment to browse the list of services we offer, get introduced to our process and what makes the way we work a notch above the rest, take a look at the list of clients we partnered with and continue to do so over the years, and finally please do say hello!