Weekly Q&A Archive
Every Monday we share a free Q&A style report that dives in-depth into the world of data research.
In this section you’ll find an archive of all of the reports we released to date, each downloadable as a PDF.
All the reports are custom designed by Station Montréal Design Bureau
5- How to Write the Perfect Quantitative
Survey Question: Dos and Don’ts
The way you phrase the questions in your quantitative survey is extremely important.Your question-writing skill can end up being the difference between gathering meaningful data and collecting unreliable, poor-quality responses. So, how should you approach the challenge?
Here are our essential dos and don’ts when writing quantitative survey questions.
4- How We Design B2B Research
Studies to Identify Future Trends
We don’t have a crystal ball, but we do know how to design a B2B research study that identifies future trends in your sector.
So, if you want to plan strategically and stay ahead of the competition, here’s how we structure our research to help you predict what’s on the horizon.
This is how we do it: our step-by-step guide to predicting future trends.
3- Turning Numbers into Stories:
Finding the Narrative in B2B Survey Data
When we work with clients on B2B surveys, we find they often encounter one important challenge. ‘I’m struggling to find a narrative in this data. Can you help?’ The answer, of course, is: ‘Absolutely!’ There are lots of ways to uncover the compelling story hidden within your data. And when you find it, it will help you turbo-charge your communication and decision-making.
Here's how to turn numbers into stories.
2- Strategic Survey Design for Impactful
Headlines in B2B Marketing
B2B marketing can be extremely competitive. However, if your survey results leads to a newsworthy headline, you’ll grab the immediate attention of clients and prospects.
Here’s how to design your next survey to appeal to the media.
1- Finding the White Space for Your
Next Thought Leadership Campaign
Our clients often ask us how to identify the ‘white space’ for their next thought leadership campaign that unique, uncharted territory that sets them apart from the competition. So we thought we’d share how we do it and get you inspired.
Read on to find out how you can uncover the white
space that will make your insights stand out from the rest.